Conditions Of Use

By using the BGIS’ site (“Site“), you agree to these conditions, which include any other conditions that are stated in other places on the Site. BGIS may change these conditions at any time.

You use this Site entirely at your own risk. BGIS is not liable in any way for any loss or damage you, or your system, may suffer from any cause (including negligence) as a result of you using this Site, or you linking to another site from this Site. You must take your own precautions against viruses or any other malfunction.

This Site contains information provided by BGIS, and by others. BGIS gives no warranty as to the accuracy completeness currency or reliability of any of the information on this Site, or any other site it links to. To the extent permitted by law, BGIS is not liable for any loss or damage suffered by you, or any user of this Site, as a result of relying on any information on this Site.

BGIS owns the copyright in the content of this Site, unless noted otherwise. No information on this Site may be reproduced, adapted uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, communicated, distributed or transmitted in any form at all without the specific written consent of BGIS. BGIS also owns all the trademarks on this Site, unless noted otherwise. Unauthorised use of any such trade mark will infringe the owner’s exclusive rights, and any user who breaches those rights will be liable to prosecution.

The information made available through this website, including any expression of opinion, has been obtained from or based on sources believed by BGIS to be reliable, BGIS do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information. BGIS and its related companies will not be liable for any inaccuracies, omissions or errors in the content nor for any loss or damage arising from action taken in reliance on the information.